Saturday, March 9, 2013

Camp Gordon Johnston Days Are Here!

Camp Gordon Johnston opened in 1942 for the sole purpose of training amphibious soldiers and their support groups, this camp trained a quarter of a million men, closing in June of 1946.
Held the 2nd weekend in March every year, the festivities begins Thursday, March 8th, 2013 with an open house as veterans check in to their accommodations.
On Friday, the 9th, veterans and their families register at the Camp gordon Johnston Museum at the Carrabelle City Complex.  Friday evening American Legion Post 82, Camp Gordon Johnston host a free southern seafood buffet.  At that time active duty troops are welcomed.  They and WWII veterans are served first. 
Saturday the 10th, breakfast at the Masonic Lodge in Carrabelle.  Later a parade is held on Hwy 98 featuring vintage WWII vehicles and tanks as well as modern military vehicles.  There will be marching bands, civic groups, and a possible re-enactment of the Normandy beach landing at old Carrabelle Beach, 1/8 mile west of Carrabelle on Hwy 98.
Saturday evening features a dinner and dance at the Municipal Complex auditorium.  Prizes and awards are given.  The public is cordially welcome at all events during Camp Gordon Johnston Days.
The Camp Gordon Johnston Museum is located at
1001 Gray Ave., Carrabelle, Fl 32322
(850) 697 8575 
Nationally honored by the Smithsonian Magazine for three straight years. Our new facilities, located within the Carrabelle City Complex, house over 5,000 square feet of artifacts, vehicles, photos, memorabilia and memories of the soldiers, sailors and other military as well as civilian personnel who trained and worked here during the  WWII years. Three Infantry division and two Special Brigades left here after training to confront tyranny both in Europe and the Pacific. Learn about their dedication, fears and heroism at our museum. 

We attended and participated in the Parade today, in the float for Carrabelle Beach RV Resort.
Here are some pictures of one of the floats in the parade.  I sat in the back of this and threw beads out to the crowd:

Also, I want to add this from the Camp Gordon Johnston Association web page:

Camp Gordon Johnston Museum
to provide space for Tallahassee Vet Center

On Wednesday, April 18th, the Tallahassee Vet Center will be at the Camp Gordon Johnston WWII Museum located in the Carrabelle Municipal Complex to provide veterans the following services:

  • Individual and group counseling for Veterans and their families
  • Family counseling for military related issues
  • Bereavement counseling for families who experience an active duty death
  • Military sexual trauma counseling and referral
  • Outreach and education including PDHRA, community events, etc.
  • Substance abuse assessment and referral
  • Employment assessment & referral
  • VBA benefits explanation and referral
  • Screening & referral for medical issues including TBI, depression, etc

Link to Main Camp Gordon Johnston Association page:

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Italian Wedding Soup

I doubled this recipe, and I'm cooking it on high in an 8 qt. slowcooker for 3 1/2 hours.  I'll add the pasta the last 15 minutes.  ...