Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Daisy's Winter Trip 2013-14

The paths have been chosen.  The calls have been made.  The time is near.
We plan to leave November 15th, unless snow comes sooner.

Clicking on the link below will bring up the map, and clicking on the postmarks, will show you where the Campground is, and the dates we will be there.


  1. That is quite a trip. Hopefully we'll see you on the road. Safe travels.

  2. That is why I posted this map. We hope to be able to meet up with some friends along the way.

  3. Seems like Austin is the nearest y'all will's about a 3 hrs drive...depending on weather and DH time off from job..we may be able to meet up!

    Birdlady (Jenny)

  4. Birdlady, 3 hours is a very long drive. We are going to New Mexico afterward....will that help?

  5. It looks like you will be in my neighborhood early March! I may know my way around by then. Safe Travels Kids!!


  6. Caregiver, let me know when we can get together. You know where to find me


Italian Wedding Soup

I doubled this recipe, and I'm cooking it on high in an 8 qt. slowcooker for 3 1/2 hours.  I'll add the pasta the last 15 minutes.  ...