Thursday, December 12, 2013

Wilderness RV Resort, Florida

2771 NE 102 Ave. Rd
Silver Springs, FL 34488
(352) 625-1122
A shout out to Ruth & Carl who referred this Park to us!



Some brands of soda that go way back....
Town Park lots

Town Park Lots

Many park-like settings throughout

Heated Pool in the Preserve Estates Section
Entrance to the Preserve Estates

Dog Park it's huge

Recreation Center

field in the Preserve Estates Section


  1. Nice! That makes up for that nasty place you were last year at one point. Meemur


Air Fryer Greek Chicken

I marinated these  overnight.  I use Recipe Teacher for my Air Fryer Chicken Quarters and  Air Fryer Bone-in Pork Chops. I also buy a crysta...