Wednesday, April 17, 2013

We Are Home

After 5 months away from home, we finally arrived back home, safe and semi-sound.  I gotta tell ya, the drive thru NJ was horrifying.  The more we got into the Northeast, the fast the traffic and the more crazy the drivers....But it is very good to be home.  Tucker was prancing there for a while...then he ran himself ragged, which didn't take too long, as he was not free to run for a very very long time.

Last night we spent the night in the Danbury Rest Area. They have an area for RV's.  We were up at 4:45 and on the road after dumping our tank, by 5:30.   Made it thru Hartford without too much rush hour traffic, and the same for Springfield, which we drive by at 7:00 a.m. 

Now, I shall sleep.  Thanks everyone for staying with us via the computer while we were far away from home.  We always appreciate it.  We have a few operations to get thru this summer, and then after our recuperation, we hope to hit Maine a few times in the Motorhome. 



  1. Glad you made it OK! It won't be long before the road is calling you again.


  2. Lovely to see you home and well...Tucker is such a trooper, and happy to be in his yard!

    Hope to hear from you ongoing...even if not *blue skys* travellng..just what;s up.....K?...

    Jenny (Birdlady)

  3. Waaaaaa! No more new beach photos. ):


  4. It's time to take another trip! I can hear the road calling you!



Air Fryer Greek Chicken

I marinated these  overnight.  I use Recipe Teacher for my Air Fryer Chicken Quarters and  Air Fryer Bone-in Pork Chops. I also buy a crysta...