Wednesday, June 22, 2016

A Note On The Blog

Now that I have an ipad, and not a laptop, things are a bit different.
I have to use the app for Blogger to set up a post.
The app has it's problems.  It says it has published my post, and life goes on.  I return and look a few days later and it has called it a "draft".  Today, I noticed that my post "Train Into Grand Canyon" was posted as a Draft, and not published as it originally said.  I had Jim look at the blog with his laptop and sure enough, it was never posted.  The nice thing about posting it now (5 days later), is that it appears in the chronological order it should (back on June 17th).  So if you'd like to scroll on back, or look to the right side, under "Archives"  for the post entitled "Train Into Grand Canyon" it's pretty neat.  We started out day with the shootout, boarded our train, and were robbed by the same bandits on the train, on our way home.  
I was also getting feedback, that sometimes one post from my blog could be delivered 2-3 times per day, and that is why I stopped hitting it to publish, again and again.  I'll coordinate with Jim on his laptop and things should hopefully move more smoothly.  


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