Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Alpen Rose RV Park, Durango, CO

27847 Hwy. 550 N.
Durango, CO  81301

Entrance from Hwy 550 N:
Landscaping on each side of arch
Tucker (lower corner) actually sniffed a flower right after I took this picture:
You will stop and be met, unhook, and will be escorted to your site:
Dog Park (can you believe it!)  Beautiful~
Pavillion, Volleyball, swings, large bonefire area.  Parking on the left going down for your car.
Sites 71-100.  Shows lanes meeting road within Park:
Share you space with neighbor:
Road in area of sites 71-100
Pull-thru's on each side, showing lane (sites 1-56)
Aspen Trees.  Empty pull-thru (sites 1-56):
Back-in's, showing trees, width of lane (sites 1-56):
Back-in along perimeter of property (sites 1-56):
Pull-thru's (sites 1-56) along with a picture of an Aspen Tree.
Showing Road between pull-thru's (sites 1-56)
Back-in's along perimeter of property (sites 1-56)
Road between lanes for turning into (sites 1-56)
Sites 1-56 area:
(Below) is a picture of sites A-H:


  1. Beautiful! Looks like you rolled into paradise: great views!

  2. Meem, I wish you were here so we could enjoy it together!


Italian Wedding Soup

I doubled this recipe, and I'm cooking it on high in an 8 qt. slowcooker for 3 1/2 hours.  I'll add the pasta the last 15 minutes.  ...