Sunday, July 30, 2017

Road Trip from Cheyenne, WY to Fort Collins, CO, via Owl Canyon Rd

We drove today from Cheyenne back to Ft. Collins, so I thought I would take some pictures of the scenery on Owl Canyon Road, in Ft. Collins.


  1. I cannot find a map of this owl canyon road and where it starts and stops to go from cheyenne to fort collins? I'm confused as to where to find this road? Can you help somehow?

  2. In Cheyenne Head southwest on W 24th St toward Carey Ave. Take Rt. 25 South out of Cheyenne. It is off of Rt 25 South, at exit 281. Make a right onto Owl Canyon RoadTake Owl Canyon down to N. Taft Hill Road, make a left. That will bring you into Ft. Collins. LaPorte Ave is the center of Ft. Colllins.


Japanese Smoked Salmon Salad

 Japanese Smoked Salmon Salad 4 servings 1/4 red onion, thinly sliced  1/3 pound thinly sliced smoked salmon, cut into 1 1/2" pieces 2 ...