Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Return To Cheyenne Frontier Days, We Aren't Wasting Time No More

We just had to go to another Rodeo.  We enjoy them so much, here in Cheyenne.  We aren't Wastin Time No More!.
On the road we saw an exit to visit Chris!
(Below) Soon we were at the park and ride, and on the bus to Frontier Days.
It started out much like last Friday, when we attended the rodeo.  http://blueskyahead.blogspot.com/2016/07/cheyenne-frontier-days-wyoming.html
But things quickly got back to lots of action...There's the man pulling on the rope to open the shoot....
This is the bull riding
The same rider as above, is now laying across the hind quarter of the bull (below)
Same bull, the rider is against the left margin of this picture (below).  They will distract him
Or maybe this guy will distract them?
Different rider

(Same rider and bull as above).  I don't think this bull is touching the ground....
(Below) same bull and rider as above.  I think his time on the bull is drawing short...
Yup.  Off he goes....
And there he is, in all his glory.
New rider.  New bull.  These guys don't seem to be worried that they may have a stampede.
(Below) This is the bare back bronco riding.  Rider is laying across the back of his horse.
Yeeeee Haw!!!

This Cowboy is in a croched position getting ready for that buck
Wow.  Look at that horse.

(Below) I really don't think this horse is touching the ground....
And the barrel racing

(Below) how they don't fall down is beyond me.

We loved the rodeo.  It's always a good time.
We will always have wonderful memories of our time at the Cheyenne Frontier Days.

(Below) We walked more areas of the Fair.
They have a Chuck Wagon Cook Off (on Thursday of this week).  These are the various chuck wagon's set up for their competition, where they will all cook using the utensils of the day.

(Below) look at the size of those cast iron frying pans...

(Below) and a few shops 
Just a very huge boot.  Not something we're used to seeing at our fairs.

(Below) This is the Petting Zoo.  First time I've ever seen a tortoise though.
A nice wholesome game for the kids

Beautiful Bridals
We call them Baseball Caps.  They call them Snapbacks.  (Wikipedia explains it is British English, called a flat cap in some areas.  An urban slang term for a flat brim baseball cap.)
Spurs, etc.
An arial view of the pens where they house all the of the competitors.
Thanks Cheyenne for showing us an excellent time!!  

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