Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Rt. 64 Virginia

My Valentine:
Heading south into Virginia. Click on image to enlarge.


  1. Hey You- Good to see you are hitting warmer weather- been cold here since you left- little warmer today- Vinny, Dave & Alex are working on sugarhouse- The sap is starting to run- a little- so he is all excited- How is the driving coming?- Take care and Happy Trails!! Kelley

  2. Looks like you are having a wonderful time! I am so jealous that you are on the road. I would love it! How is the weather in SC? Love that valentine!


  3. Hi Kelley,
    We will be there in 45 minutes. The drive hasn't been bad. About 7 hours a day - yesterday, and again today. Save us a couple cans of syrup. I gave my friends Tom & Brenda my last can, on the way thru Richmond, VA, this past Monday. It was the least I could do, after a scrumptious dinner of fried chicken & veg's. Glad to hear Alex is back.

    Ron: I can't sent out e-mails because my account is thru NH. Jim said he'll help set me up tonight with the e-mail. Then I can respond to your e-mails.

  4. Hi Leigh,
    The weather in SC was great! It was 56 degrees. Coming from NH, that was warm. Richmond VA wasn't bad either. It was about 50 there. Here, in the Panhandle of FL, it is 70 degrees. Jim (Mr. Valentine....) wanted to get something for the Cable hook-up and decided to pull into a Walmart a couple hours ago. Didn't quite make his turn within the parking lot and went over one of those small islands curbs...almost hit the car parked that he thought he could turn around...came to a real quick halt, and had to back up...over the same curb again...I think my Valentine needs a good nights sleep!!!


Air Fryer Greek Chicken

I marinated these  overnight.  I use Recipe Teacher for my Air Fryer Chicken Quarters and  Air Fryer Bone-in Pork Chops. I also buy a crysta...