Sunday, February 12, 2012

We Have Hit The Road!

We entered the Coach at 7:00 am to leave and had no electric power. And the Trip Tik was taking us another way, even though Jim had programmed it in previously. Thanks to Kelly and Pete they had us on the road by 7:45 a.m. and we headed out in 20 degree weather.

Peeper and Dickens stayed in their carriers for about a half hour. I took Peeper out first. I worked with her, and when I picked her up, her heart was beating so fast there was not a pause in between beats.....We were making progress until I went to put her on the dashboard....all four legs going outward, claws extended, terror prevailing. I knew before she landed that that was not something she would enjoy. After she explored the Coach for about 10 minutes, all she wanted was to get to Jim's feet. After pulling her away a dozen times...she was relocated back into her carrier. She didn't cry. So I figured she felt more secure there.

Dickens next. He was much more bold. He explored. He laid in his cat bed on the dashboard for a while, and he didn't try to get under Jim's feet. He is also on drugs for car sickness. It does not knock them out as the most popular meds do, and this is prescribed for dogs, cut back for his size.

Tucker was his usual perfect riding companion.

I went back to release Peeper, to work with her somemore, and saw that she left a dump at the back of her carrier. That cleaned up, she quickly realized she wasn't getting under Jim's feet...and got thrown back into the carrier. 10 minutes later, I released her again, and she didn't try again.

They all have there preferences as to where they want to be. And you are not going to change their mind. Tucker is at my feet sleeping above the stairs on the platform. Dickens is behind my chair on the Couch, on some fleece for warmth (couch is cold leather). Peeper is under my seat, perfectly silent....neither one has used the litter box yet, and I've thrown both of them in there a half dozen times each. They know where to go.

Jim is driving just fine, and the coach has finally warmed up. We are just entering the Massachusetts turnpike. Catch you later.

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I marinated these  overnight.  I use Recipe Teacher for my Air Fryer Chicken Quarters and  Air Fryer Bone-in Pork Chops. I also buy a crysta...