Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday afternoon

Jim said he never dreamed he'd be a bus driver when he grew up...

Tucker's spot

The Rest Stop entrance looked like you were going off a cliff.

Click on this photo to see I90 in the background.

I90 is in the distance. Gives you some perspective on the massive amount of land in this photo.


  1. Yes, I think about all that endless sky when some of the Internet twirps start ranting about American being taken over. Even with drones, the logistics of controlling such vast amounts of land boggles the mind.

    Good water is key, however. You're not seeing successful settlements in some of those areas because good water is hard to come by. That's was a problem for the early pioneers in their wagons as it is now. You'll notice a lot of the towns are by rivers or some sort of water source.

    I'm glad today is going better! Meemur

  2. Great Pictures !!! Tucker looks like he's having a great time. Jim looks like he's really concentrating. LOL


4 Dishes from the Pacific Rim

These recipes are from the book Pacific Light Cooking, by Ruth Law.  They are carefully crafted recipes that are light.  Nutritional data is...